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At the Diocesan Synod in 2016 a clear call was heard to devise a faith development strategy prioritising adults, to train what were variously termed ‘lay catechists’, or ‘animators’ or ‘co-ordinators’ – essentially lay people who would take on a significant role in the community around faith development and ministry. We have committed to responding to this call in our Diocesan Pastoral Plan. This is an urgent need and has also been expressed by Pope Francis who says in Evangelii Gaudium that the mission of the laity is not always expressed in “the same way in all places. In some cases, it is because lay persons have not been given the formation needed to take on important responsibilities." (EG 102)
Part of our response in Limerick was to launch a programme of formation in lay pastoral ministry and leadership. This programme is designed and developed as an initiative across the Dioceses of the Cashel Province in association with the Irish Institute for Pastoral Studies at Mary Immaculate College. The first cohort of graduates from the programme graduated in October 2023 and are now involved in a variety of ministerial and leadership roles across the diocese.
We are now recruiting for another intake. The programme provides training for those who are interested in working as volunteer catechists or lay pastoral workers at parish and pastoral unit level. It combines rich academic content with pastoral skills and promotes the personal and spiritual development of the participants
The programme runs for 30 months and normally runs one weekend per month (Friday evening and all-day Saturday for 8 months per annum). After an initial period of discernment the candidate enrols in an accredited Certificate in Pastoral Ministry at Level 6 awarded by Mary Immaculate College.
The Programme of Formation includes:
• Prayer and Spirituality (Spiritual accompaniment and days of recollection)
• Pastoral Formation (A practical pastoral placement)
• Personal Development (Mentoring and personal growth)
• Study (Successfully complete an accredited programme entitled Certificate in Pastoral Ministry(Level 6, 30 Credits) over a two year period.
Launch of Programme 2024 – 2026 will take place at the Diocesan gathering on 21st September in the Castletroy Park Hotel
Information Evening: Thursday October 3rd 7.30p.m. Limerick Diocesan Centre
Deadline for Return of Applications: Wednesday 9th October
Initial Orientation and Selection: Saturday October 26th – 10.00a.m. to 4.30p.m.
Discernment Weekends (Friday 6.30 to 9.00 and Saturday 10.00a.m. to 4.30p.m.)
22nd, 23rd November
13th, 14th December
24th, 25th January
Certificate in Pastoral Ministry
21st, 22nd February
21st, 22nd March
25th, 26th April
16th, 17th May
Please see below a applicaiton form and flyer in relation to the upcoming Lay Pastoral Ministry and Leadership Formation Programme.