Synthesis Report on Universal Synod
Presenting the Limerick Diocesan Synthesis Report
Pentecost Sunday, June 5th, 2022
Click here to view Diocese of Limerick - Synthesis Report on Universal Synod >>
Two thousand years ago the Church began to “go forth” guided by the Spirit. It’s what we celebrate on Pentecost Sunday. On this Pentecost Sunday, 2022, I am pleased to recommend to the People of God in the Diocese of Limerick the Limerick Diocesan Synthesis Report. It reflects a recent “going forth” on the part of many across our Diocese. This Report is our contribution to the project launched by Pope Francis of a universal Synodal consultation on the theme “communion, participation and mission”.
Synod Videos
Why is the Synod important?
Fr Eamonn Fitzgibbon outlines the process for the Irish Synodal Pathway.
Dr Jessie Rogers is a member of the Irish Synodal Pathway steering group.
Synod News & Resources
#SynodAssemblyNewsletter | Issue - 07 (ENG)
We would like to share here some of the events that will take place during this week, first the theological-pastoral forums - meetings that are open to the public - in which some aspects of themes relevant to the journey of the Synod of Bishops will be presented from various perspectives. We would also like to highlight the ecumenical prayer presided by Pope Francis next Friday in the Roman Protomartyr’s Square. Let’s keep going!
Newsletter - Issue 04
Newsletter - Issue 03
Irish Bishops ask for prayers ahead of attending the Synod on Synodality in Rome
Learnings from the Synod on Synodality in Rome
Bishop Alan McGuckian and Bishop Brendan Leahy, the two delegates from Ireland at the Synod in Rome share their reflections from this first session of a two-part assembly.
Rome Synod - Report from the first session October 2023
'Synodality and Hierarchy in Communion' – Contributions of Irish delegates at Synod in Prague
Last week, from 5 to 12 February, Archbishop Eamon Martin of Armagh, along with thirteen other delegates from across Ireland, attended the first ever European Assembly of a Synod within the Catholic Church, in Prague, Czechia. This is one of seven continental assemblies convening across five continents in a new stage of the universal Synodal Process.
Synthesis Report on Universal Synod
Diocese of Limerick Synthesis Report on Universal Synod....
Walking the Synodal Pathway together – Bishop Brendan Leahy
Bishop Brendan Leahy says that two primary questions for the Synodal Pathway are ‘how are we getting on with one another and how are we reaching out to other people?’
Letter from Bishop Leahy
Letter to be read out at Masses the weekend of March 12th and 13th, 2022
Preparatory Document
To “journey together,” we need to let ourselves be educated by the Spirit to a truly synodal mentality.
Guidelines on 3 Tasks for Parish Synod Conversations
As part of the Synodality process begun by Pope Francis, Limerick Diocese is asking all of it parishes to complete three tasks in the coming months: one before Christmas 2021 and the other two afterwards in early 2022.
Official Handbook for Listening and Discernment in Local Churches
First Phase (October 2021 – April 2022) in Dioceses and Bishops’ Conferences Leading up to the Assembly of Bishops in Synod in October 2023
Pray for unity, pray for the synod
For the forthcoming 2022 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity Cardinal Mario Grech and Cardinal Kurt Koch invite all Christians to pray for unity and to continue to journey together.
Benedictine Spirituality
In the Rule of Saint Benedict, the abbot is depicted as a teacher and spiritual father who presides over the life of a community
First ever universal Synod
First ever universal Synod reflects the critical crossroads the Church is at – Bishop Leahy
Local Launch of the Universal Synodal Pathway
Homily Notes of Bishop Brendan Leahy given on 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time. Year B.
Walking the Synodal Pathway together

What is Synodality?
Synodality denotes the particular style that qualifies the life and mission of the Church, expressing her nature as the People of God journeying together and gathering in assembly
Who is the Synod for?
By convoking this Synod, Pope Francis is inviting all the baptised to participate in this Synodal Process that begins at the diocesan level.
How can I participate in the Synod?
Share your thoughts/views and participate in the synodal journeying through prayer
The ADSUMUS prayer
Prayer of invocation to the Holy Spirit for an ecclesial assembly of governance or discernment (thus synodal)
The Official Logo of the Synodal Path
A large, majestic tree, full of wisdom and light, reaches for the sky.