Welcome to the Limerick Diocesan Archives
Learn more about Limerick Diocesan Archives and what records are available.
Limerick Diocesan Archives
The fourteenth-century Black Book of Limerick, a unique link with the medieval church, formed the basis of a reconstituted archive for the diocese of Limerick in the early nineteenth century.
Genealogy: Parish Registers & Research Guide
Baptismal and marriage registers are held in individual parishes and not in a central repository. For conservation and data protection reasons, direct access to the registers is reserved to parish personnel. While parish staff make every effort to facilitate researchers, they are unable to prioritise queries. Access extends to entries up to and including 1910.
Latest Archives News
From the Archives - The Death of Brian Boru
The story of Brian Boru's death, from the White Manuscript
From the Archives - Firbolgs and the Tuatha Dé Danann
Firbolgs and other fantastical first inhabitants of Ireland, from the White Manuscript
From the Archives - The Great Lisbon Earthquake (2)
Further extracts from the White Manuscript describing the terrible effects of the Great Lisbon Earthquake.
From the Archives - The Great Lisbon Earthquake (1)
The Great Lisbon Earthquake, 1 November 1755, as recorded by Fr James White, Limerick
Clericus is a digital humanities research project that aims to develop a database on the Irish clerical population for the early modern and modern periods.
The life and works of Bishop David Keane.
From the Archives - Fr James Fitzgibbon (1803-1832)
A young Limerick priest, victim of the cholera epidemic, 1832
From the Archives: Presentation Parlour
On this World Book Day revisiting Kate O'Brien's, Presentation Parlour