- 26
- Apr
This free taster session is for anyone who is curious about the Godly Play method. It is a great opportunity to see if you like the programme before taking a full training course! Please plan to attend.
Godly Play is a form of spiritual accompaniment for children. It uses a unique method of storytelling which allows children to explore their own spirituality. Godly Play invites children to wonder about the mysterious presence of God in their lives. The children connect with parables, Sacred Stories and Liturgical action through story, play and silence. Learn more by clicking here.
The free taster session is taking place Saturday, May 27, from 9:30-1 at the Limerick Diocesan Centre, V94 925C.
Contact James for details and to register at: james.connery@limerickdiocese.org or +353 86 6071021.