
Advent: 'Waiting' with a Difference Reflection Day

  • November 26, 2022
  • Advent: ‘Waiting’ with a Difference Reflection Day, Saturday 26th November, 10:30am to 4pm, Glenstal Abbey. 

The Irish Institute for Pastoral Studies (MIC) is offering an Advent day of recollection, facilitated by Sr Therese Fitzgerald, in the beautiful surrounds of Glenstal Abbey.  The day will help us slow down and awaken ourselves to God’s treasures in unexpected places, deepening our awareness of God’s presence with us, by being more choiceful in how we wait.  A contribution of €40 is requested for the day which will include lunch.  You can register your place at this link: 

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Grow Mental Health Information Session

  • November 16, 2022
  • Grow Mental Health Information Session, Wednesday 16th November, 7pm to 8:30pm, at Grow offices, 33 Henry Street, Limerick.

Grow is a mental health charity that provides free, friendly, community based, peer support groups for anyone who is experiencing a mental health issue.  Sharon Kleiser (Grow volunteer and participant in our Lay Pastoral Ministry Programme), along with Mary Purcell (Grow Midwest Manager) and Amie Hughes (Grow Midwest Coordinator) are offering an information session on Wed 16th November for people from parishes across the Diocese to learn more about supporting positive mental health and recovery.  This is a great opportunity in the challenging times we are living in, to gain insight to strategies and supports that could be of benefit in our families and parish life.  There is no registration required, you will be welcome to attend and bring anyone who might benefit with you.  

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Theology on Tap

  • November 15, 2022

Theology on Tap: Young adult event at Bobby Byrnes on Tuesday, November 15. Evening starts at 7:30pm with finger foods, followed by a presentation by Aoífe Beglin; The Christian Adventure: Life as Pilgrimage. 



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