Consecrated Life
God calls some to pattern their lives more closely after Christ by committing themselves to the evangelical counsels of poverty, chastity, and obedience.
They are ‘set apart’ to be a prophetic witness to the world of each person’s call to holiness and to express through their consecration the yearning of the Church as Bride for union with the Bridegroom.
Signs of a Religious Vocation
While all kinds of people are called to dedicate their lives to Christ, here are some qualities that might indicate whether God might be calling you.
- You desire to be a consecrated religious
- You possess a love for God and desire for prayer
- You are an active member of the Church and receive the Sacraments of Eucharist and Confession regularly
- You have good physical, psychological, and emotional health
- Others have said that you would make a good religious
- There is a desire and capacity for living the vows
- You have an interest in the specific charism of a community