- 20
- Sep
- 2020

Need to keep up our guard at informal moments – Bishop Leahy
Sunday 20 September 2020: Bishop of Limerick Brendan Leahy has said that we must “keep up our guard” in the fight against COVID-19 in the informal moments, including after religious ceremonies.
In his statement after weekend Masses, Bishop Leahy said that everything points to the fact that we are at a tipping-point again with COVID-19 and individual responsibility can ensure the balance is in favour of public health.
Letting our guard down can be dangerous but doing the basics around COVID-19 can be a life-saving services.
“With the news that Dublin has moved onto level 3 of the Government’s COVID-19 Resilience and National Recovery Plan, we are reminded again that the battle against COVID-19 is far from over and all need to do our part to combat the very serious threat that keeps stalking us,” he said.
“If we’re honest, however, I believe we need all of us to be more careful with ‘the standing around’ moments in the ‘in-between’ times – whether it be after significant social events, after funerals, after special celebratory moments.
“We’re human, we like to socialise and chat. It’s natural we find ourselves letting our guard down and lingering for long periods of time in conversation and banter but forgetting social distance and masks. This can be very dangerous.
“Let’s encourage each other to keep up our guard even in the informal moments. Perhaps some of us need to take on the friendly referee role and remind each other when things are beginning to get too loose. We’ll be doing each other not just a favour but a life-saving service.”
Bishop Leahy said that generally the response has been good to health protection measures around COVID-19 and he’s been particularly pleased with the efforts made to make churches safe.
“Most of us at this stage have taken on board the recommendations to wear masks, keep social distance, sanitise when we go to work, or enter shops, or find ourselves in public spaces. I have been very impressed by how much has gone into making sure churches are safe places and I thank those participating in liturgies for being so careful in wearing their mask, keeping social distance and sanitising. But we have work to do.”
He continued: “We’re not far off a tipping point in this again, perhaps back where we were in the weeks ahead of lockdown. The difference is now that we know what to do but really need to tighten up and do it better again.
“For all the focus on the politics in this, it’s really about the person. It comes down again and again to our personal and social responsibility. Each of us can play a unique part in this collective battle against COVID-19,” he concluded.