- 10
- Apr
- 2020
We’ve just listened to the Passion of Our Lord. All of this was done out of love for us. God sent his only Son into our world out of love. Love is the behind all of Jesus’ giving of himself for us.
We want to respond to such a great love. We know we haven’t always done so. I know that for some this year, there is anxiety about how to fulfil the Easter Duty of going to Confession. Let’s recall what Pope Francis said recently:
“I know that many of you go to confession before Easter… Many will say to me: ‘But Father…I can't leave the house and I want to make my peace with the Lord. I want Him to embrace me… How can I do that unless I find a priest?’. Do what the catechism says. It's very clear. If you don't find a priest to go to confession, speak to God. He's your Father. Tell Him the truth: ‘Lord. I did this and this and this. Pardon me.’ Ask His forgiveness with all your heart with an act of contrition, and promise Him, ‘afterward I will go to confession.’ You will return to God's grace immediately. You yourself can draw near, as the catechism teaches us, to God's forgiveness, without having a priest at hand.”
Today, God’s mercy reaches us. See the love and mercy in his eyes as they glance upon you. An abyss of love for you.