- 30
- Apr

The Luminous Mysteries are prayed while reflecting on them as “Mysteries of Vocation”, imploring the Immaculate Heart of Mary for an increase of vocations to the priesthood and to the consecrated religious life within the Church.
Leader: (1) The Baptism of the Lord in the River Jordan
Reflecting on the mission of John the Baptist being fulfilled as he Baptizes the Lord, the presence of the Father who is well pleased, and the power of the Holy Spirit who compels Jesus into His mission, all hold truth for meditating on one’s vocation. This mystery reinforces the essential significance of the mission of every Christian as their most personal of all gifts. Hearts closed to the call of the Lord will not know their mission, nor will they reach their fulfilment as persons made in God’s image, the image of Christ who was sent by the Father.
Leader: (2) The Wedding Feast at Cana
The Mystery of the Wedding Feast at Cana draws our attention to the need for obedience to the voice of the Lord. Once His call is heard action is required. Our Blessed Mother clearly says to “Do whatever He tells you.”
Leader: (3) The Proclamation of the Kingdom and Call to Conversion
Faithful obedience to the Lord’s call establishes the Christian firmly in union with Jesus in the Proclamation of the Kingdom. This mystery can be prayed with the desire to know the charism through which one is to fall in love with Christ, and to know the apostolate in which one is to serve Him and His Church.
Leader: (4) The Transfiguration
The Mystery of the Transfiguration increases our confidence in the reality of Christ Who is calling us to embrace our vocation. He is divine, He is glorified, and trust runs deeply through the soul of anyone who may hesitate in fear at the knowledge of their vocation. It is Christ who comes and touches Peter, James and John after the glorious vision and says, “Do not be afraid”. Jesus calls us. He strengthens our call and He sustains us with love in our call.
Leader: (5) The Institution of the Eucharist
Jesus promises to be with us always and remains divinely present in the soul of every baptized person. He calls us as persons, body and soul, to a life of love totally given to another. In the Mystery of the Eucharist, Jesus is both Giver and Gift. In giving us His Body, Blood, soul and divinity, He shows the example of humble service and selfless gift. Through the Eucharist, He quickens and perfects our own attraction to love others, as He loves us.