A Pastoral letter, or a pastoral, is an open letter addressed by a Bishop to the clergy and/or laity of his diocese. It teaches, offers reflection & may contain instruction, consolation, or directions for behaviour in particular circumstances. In the Catholic Church such letters are also sent out regularly at particular liturgical seasons, particularly at the beginning of Lent and Advent.
To the House of the Father (Advent 1998)
At the beginning of Creation, God says, ‘Let there be light’. St James calls God ‘the Father of all light’ – everything that is good and perfect comes from him.
Filled with Joy by the Holy Spirit (Lent 1998)
The Holy Spirit overshadowed Mary at the Incarnation and descended on Jesus at his Baptism his presence in Jesus was a sign that the prophecies were being fulfilled
Jesus Christ Yesterday, Today & Forever (Lent 1997)
This year is a year of celebration and pride as Limerick City celebrates the eight hundredth
anniversary of the granting of its Charter.