Having Life In His Name
Drawing its title from the end of the Gospel according to John – ‘that we might have life in his name’ (Jn 20:31) – this book explores many and varied aspects of the new life that opened up in the event of Jesus Christ. The editors, both professors at St Patrick’s College, Maynooth, have gathered contributions for renowned scholars who believe the Christian life is one of faith and reason.
Graced Horizons
‘Everything in Him speaks of mercy. Nothing in Him is devoid of compassion.’
- Pope Francis, Misericordiae Vultus
In Graced Horizons: A Journey through Mercy, Bishop Brendan Leahy explores the many facets of mercy as illustrated not only in scripture, but in the writings and ‘concrete deeds’ of luminaries through the entire course of Christian history.
Dear Young Friends
When he spoke to the hundreds of thousands of pilgrims who gathered in Kraków for World Youth Day 2016, Pope Francis pointed out to young people the dangers of apathy and materialism, inviting them to leave a mark on history by being pro-active in following Jesus, transforming our broken world. In Dear Young Friends, Bishop Brendan Leahy introduces talks, conversations and dialogues that Pope Francis has had with young people, both at that event and on various other occasions since taking office.
Who Leads The Church?
Brendan Leahy is the current Bishop of Limerick. From 2006 until 2013 he served as Professor of Systematic Theology at the Pontifical University and National Seminary in St Patrick’s College in Maynooth. He has written many articles and books on themes such as: peace and forgiveness; faith questions; ecumenism; and spirituality. His works for Veritas include Graced Horizons: A Journey through Mercy and The Human Voyage of Self-Discovery: Essays in Honour of Brendan Purcell.
Let's Remember, Let's Review, Let's Renew
The Second Vatican Council saw the Catholic Church respond to the challenges and opportunities it faced in the late twentieth century with a renewed sense of vigour and purpose. Some fifty years since this landmark event, Bishop Brendan Leahy considers the council's continued relevance for Christians today, with particular emphasis on its `vision of renewal'.
Inter-Church Relations In The New Ireland
Inter-Church Relations: Developments and Perspectives celebrates the long-lasting commitment, enthusiasm and sense of joy that Bishop Anthony Farquhar has brought to inter-Church relations over the twenty-five years of his episcopate. It discusses aspects of contemporary relations by presenting recent developments in international dialogue and networking among Churches.
Dreaming Big: Living The Reality
The Catholic Church has been paying considerable attention to the family in recent years, as evinced the publication of the Apostolic Exhortation Amoris Laetitia, in which Pope Francis explored the enduring centrality of the family in the Church.
Christianity: Origins And Contemporary
Into the Classroom is a series of eleven new books designed for second-level teachers beginning the new Leaving Certificate Religious Education syllabus. Each of the books covers all the content in the relevant syllabus section. With their accessible and engaging commentary, they will also be of great interest to third-level students, educators and a general readership.
Going To God Together: Reflections Along The Way
Throughout the world, we find traces of an insatiable thirst to bow down spiritually before the Mystery that surrounds life. We see it in a Buddhist temple and in a mosque; in a Passover celebration and a Hindu Diwali festival. A mysterious sense of the Absolute, the transcendent, urges us to reach out beyond all that is around us, excavate deep within us and, above all, make some form of declaration with the whole of our being that we want to be in harmony with God, with others, within ourselves.