#SynodAssemblyNewsletter | Issue - 07 (ENG)

#SynodAssemblyNewsletter | Issue - 07 (ENG)

We would like to share here some of the events that will take place during this week, first the theological-pastoral forums - meetings that are open to the public - in which some aspects of themes relevant to the journey of the Synod of Bishops will be presented from various perspectives. We would also like to highlight the ecumenical prayer presided by Pope Francis next Friday in the Roman Protomartyr’s Square. Let’s keep going!



Ecumenical Vigil



This Friday, October 11, an Ecumenical Vigil will be held in the Roman Protomartyr’s Square, presided by Pope Francis.



Theological-Pastoral Forums


n the framework of this Second Session of the General Assembly of the Synod, two “theological-pastoral forums” will be held on the afternoon of Wednesday, Oct. 9: “The People of God, Subject of Mission” and “The Role and Authority of the Bishop in a Synodal Church.”





The Pope's video


Francis reminds us of the importance of walking together and “taking co-responsibility for the mission of the Church”. He also emphasizes that priests are not “the bosses of the laity, but their shepherds”, and that “Jesus called us to one another. Not one above the other, nor one on one side and the other on the other side, but complementing each other. We are a community. For this reason, consecrated, lay and priests, all Christians must “bear witness with our lives”, always offering the best of what we know how to do.






Video of Cardinal Grech


Cardinal Mario Grech, Secretary General of the Synod has pointed out in this video that the People of God are invited to actively contribute to the work of the Synod's ten Study Groups until June 2025: “They are called to remain open to a wider participation, that of the entire People of God”.

Full text in pdf





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