Newsletter - Issue 04

Newsletter - Issue 04

Newsletter - Issue 04 - Also available in  ESP – FRAITA – POR

The Solemn Eucharistic celebration inaugurating the Second Session of the XVI General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, presided by Pope Francis, begins an intense time of listening, dialogue and discernment among the participants of the Synod. Let us continue in prayer, to bring to life the invitation of the Bishop of Rome to listen to others and, above all, to listen to the voice of the Lord.


Opening of the Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops. - Holy Mass

Francis asks for a look at the world

On the morning of October 2, in St. Peter's Square, in the Eucharistic celebration presided by Pope Francis, the fathers and mothers of the Synod joined thousands of faithful pilgrims from around the world for the opening of the Second Session of the Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod. In his homily, Pope Francis asked, “Let us set out on this ecclesial journey with our eyes turned towards the world, because the Christian community is always at the service of humanity, to proclaim to all the joy of the Gospel.” 


Prayer of the Rosary and fasting day for peace

At the end of his homily at the opening Mass of the Synod, the Pope announced that he will invoke the intercession of the Virgin Mary for the gift of peace next Sunday in the Basilica of St. Mary Major, where he will pray the Holy Rosary and address a heartfelt prayer to Our Lady. He added: “If possible, I also ask you, members of the Synod, to accompany me on this occasion”.

And, on the following day, October 7, he has asked all those attending the celebration to live a day of prayer and fasting for peace in the world.


First General Congregation

The afternoon of the first day of work of the Synodal Assembly, in the Paul VI Hall, began with the greeting of the President Delegate appointed for the 1st General Congregation, Cardinal Aguiar Retes. In his speech, he encouraged us to continue living the encouraging fruits of the synodal journey: “Indeed, I trust that all of us present, having lived the synodal process since 2021, although we have noted the real difficulty of renewing our particular Churches, have perceived how, especially our faithful and pastoral agents, have become enthusiastic, full of hope, in achieving a fraternal, supportive and subsidiary Church, which is a light in the difficult circumstances of our contemporary era”.

Cardinal Mario Grech, Secretary General, then underlined: “The Synod is essentially a school of discernment: it is the Church gathered with Peter to discern together. A synodal Church is a proposal for today's society: discernment is the fruit of a mature exercise of synodality as a style and a method. Ecclesial discernment can be a challenge and an example for any type of assembly that must find in the mutual listening of its members the golden rule for the search for truth and the common good”.

For his part, Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich, General Rapporteur, has made several observations on the process, situating the current phase and some recommendations: “To make good use of the Instrumentum laboris, it is necessary to focus on what its nature is: it is not a draft of the Final Document that simply needs to be amended, but the compilation of the results of a process that it is up to us to discern. It is up to this Assembly to indicate where to place the accent or underline, because this is something particularly important; it is also up to us to discuss what needs to be deepened and reformulated”.