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Season of Creation 2024
“Future generations will never forgive us if we miss the opportunity to protect our common home. We have inherited a garden; we must not leave a desert for our children.” Joint statement from Pope Francis, the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew and Archbishop Justin Welby of Canterbury.
Theme: “To Hope and Act with Creation”
In the letter of Saint Paul to the Romans, we see the biblical image of the Earth groaning (Rom 8:22). Today we hear the cry of the Earth all around us. The times we live in show that we are not relating to the Earth as a gift from our Creator, but rather as a resource to be used. And yet, there is hope and the expectation for a better future. To hope in a biblical context does not mean to stand still and quiet, but rather actively striving for new life amidst the struggles.
The Season of Creation has a special significance for the Catholic Church, particularly since Pope Francis established 1 September as an annual World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation. The Season of Creation is marked throughout the Christian world from 1 September to 4 October (Feast of Saint Francis of Assisi) and celebrates the joy of creation as well as encouraging awareness-raising initiatives to protect the natural environment.
This year’s theme is “To Hope and Act with Creation”. We hope that the following resources will help you and your parish community to celebrate the Season of Creation 2024. These resources are compiled by the Laudato Si’ Working Group of the Irish Bishop’s Conference & Trócaire. You can find further resources on the international Season of Creation website: www.seasonofcreation.org
- Sunday Liturgy Notes for Season of Creation 2024: This resource includes homily notes for each Sunday of the season, prayers of the faithful, music suggestions, reflections and mass parts which highlight the call “To Hope and Act with Creation”
- Leaflet on Biodiversity A colourful resource with many practical tips and reflections on how to promote Biodiversity this Season of Creation. This is an A5 Leaflet from the JPIC committee in the Diocese of Kerry and the Laudato Si’ Working Group. A version for printing locally is also available here
- Nurturing your Family Faith in Nature as Gaelige: This resource from Trócaire is ideal for a children’s group, youth group or any family or community setting where people can explore their relationship with God’s Creation through reflection and activities.
- Rubbish Graveyard: a resource which helps to show people just how long it takes for items to biodegrade. You might create a space in your parish to display it. This is a helpful activity for children’s liturgy or youth group. With thanks to An Tairseach Ecology Centre.
- Blessing of Family Pets around the Feast of Saint Francis of Assisi: On the Feast of Saint Francis of Assisi (October 4th) parishes might like to invite people to bring their pets for a special blessing. This resource will help support this activity. “Praise be to you my Lord, with all your creatures.” (Canticle of Creation).
- Ecological Rosary – LSM: Slides to accompany an Ecological Rosary from the Laudato Si’ Movement.
- Creation Walk Moments: adapted from the booklet by Father Brian Grogan SJ, Creation Walk: The Amazing Story of a Small Blue Planet. You might use this resource in your parish community by setting up ‘moments’ around the church, or around your parish, to convey the different stages of the story of our Universe. This resource will provide people with an opportunity to experience the wonder and awe of God’s creation and to become familiar with the story of our Universe. Did you know that there is now a beautiful Creation Walk at Knock Shrine? You might consider bringing your parish group to visit it. You can read about it here.
- Tree Planting Resource: Engage your parish or diocese in Tree Planting initiatives this year. Thanks to ‘Easy Treesie’ we have all the tips you need and prayers for a tree planting service.
- Video Reflection: The Season of Creation Prayer 2024 : This video reflection can be used as part of liturgies, parish meetings during the Season or linked to your parish website and social media pages. With thanks to Vivek da Silva, Laudato Si’ Working Group.
Other Useful Resources:
A River Ritual Let us Join Together for the Season of Creation: This is a resource for a ritual to be celebrated by a river or stream. This resource was created for the 2023 Season of Creation, however it can be adapted for use at any time. Did you know that every Irish diocese has a river or sea access point? It seems appropriate to offer a ritual prayer that we could celebrate near water. We hope that this opportunity to gather out of doors in “the cathedral of nature” will be a support and inspiration for all involved.
Brother River Meditation: A three-minute reflection of nature sounds and visuals. This could be used at the start of a liturgy or a meeting to help people reflect
Earth Day Prayer Service: Earth Day is celebrated on April 22nd each year. This beautiful prayer service could be adapted for use at any time of the year, particularly during the Season of Creation.