You are invited to attend an information evening on the new ‘Programme of Formation for Lay Pastoral Ministry and Leadership’ which will be offered in the Diocese of Limerick next year.
The programme is a direct response to the action from the Synod to train lay volunteer catechists/animators/coordinators to support faith development in our parishes and pastoral units.
Material from the information evenings
Over the course of 3 evenings in November, people came to find out more about the course and get answers to some questions they had.
The closing date for applications to this course is FRIDAY 20TH DECEMBER 2019
Listen to Fr Eamonn Fitzgibbon talk about the Programme for Pastoral Lay Ministry
Download Brochure
This programme is designed and developed as an initiative across the Dioceses of the Cashel Province in association with the Irish Institute for Pastoral Studies at MIC Thurles.
It provides training for those who are interested in working as volunteer catechists or lay pastoral workers at parish and pastoral unit level. The programme combines rich academic content with pastoral skills and
promotes the personal and spiritual development of the participants with an awareness of the cultural context in which they will minister. The programme is both practical and theoretical and is grounded in
pastoral spirituality
Programme Outline:
- Prayer and Spirituality (Spiritual accompaniment and days of recollection)
- Pastoral Formation (A practical pastoral placement)
- Personal Development (Mentoring and personal growth)
- Study (Successfully complete an accredited programme entitled Certificate in Pastoral Ministry (Level 6, 30 Credits) over a two year period)